This colorful, double-sided wipe-off learning aid is ideal for reviewing Tables 1-10. Wipe-off and use it again and again. This product is available for $4 with the purchase of any TeaCHildMath™ workbook. The Wipe-Off Learning Aid will be enclosed in the same Priority Mail envelope with the workbook at no extra cost for shipping and handling. (Size: 7 " x 11")
This double-sided wipe-off learning aid will make mastery of the times tables easy! This product is available for $4 with the purchase of any TeaCHildMath™ workbook. ODDS and EVENS Multiplication Tables Learning Aid will be enclosed in the same Priority Mail envelope with the workbook at no extra cost for shipping and handling. (Size: 8 x 10 1/2)
This attractive TeaCHildMath Diploma, suitable for framing, is included FREE with every order.
(Size: 8 1/2" x 11")
Upcoming Products:
Dazzling Flash Cards for ODDS & EVENS
Teach your child the communatative property (i.e., 4 x 6 is the same as 6 x 4) with these flash cards for Tables 1-10. This product includes two decks (50 cards in each) and the rules to two fun games.
Missing ODDS and Missing EVENS Flash Cards
Missing ODDS and Missing EVENS Flash Cards reinforce the ODD/EVEN rule of multiplication. When figuring out the missing factor, your child or student is in fact doing division. This product includes two decks (50 cards in each deck) and the rules to two fun games.
A BOARD GAME based on the TeaCHildMath™ method is in development.